Good b-day gifts for your 13 year old besties (Girls)

Here are 10 gifts to give to your bestie! Thanks!


  1. Nike! Air Force 1’s! Make sure they fit!







2. A gift card to there favorite store! Even do several to make it look cute!

3. There favorite Starbucks drink! you could also get them a star-bucks cup!

4. A skate board so they can skate!

5. Fidget toys! get a good pack!

6. Polaroid camera! Great for taking pictures and prints them out!

7. Baggy jeans! Make sure there the right size!

8. Long nail! Get a cute color!

9. IPhone 12! Get a cute color! Make sure not to get a used or broken one!

10. There are many cute shirts but here are some cute ones!